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Hardship: Important advice to Ndigbo on the current state of Nigeria


May I advise Ndigbo to be extremely careful over their reactions/perceptions as it concerns the situation in our country. If Ndigbo are not careful, they may become the terminal victims of the unfolding predicament of Nigeria.

There is absolutely no need for the mouthy and loud utterances of Ndigbo which portray them as rejoicing over the mishap which has befallen Nigeria and appearing to mock other ethnic nationalities.

Ndigbo should understand very clearly that as long as they are still in Nigeria, they have no immunity against anything happening to other Nigerians. From the way things are going, it may not be long before Igbo shops and businesses become targets for looters. So I advise Ndigbo to lie very low, while plotting survival strategies.

There is a wise saying that a sensible man does not rejoice when a neighbour’s house is on fire. What he does is to take measures to ensure that the fire does not spread to his house, while rendering whatever assistance possible to douse the fire in the neighbour’s house. Also, our background as Christians does not encourage us to rejoice at someone else”s misfortune.

Not very long ago, when it became clear to some of us that our dear country is heading for the precipice, I advised Ndigbo to desist from their ‘anu ana agba egbe ona akpa nri ‘behaviour which is one of the factors which provokes envy and jealousy against them by other ethnic groups. That was the period Anambra State Diaspora folks in Nigeria were celebrating Anambra Day loudly all over the Federation. What occured to me then was that Ndigbo would appear to be reenacting the behaviour of a community about which we read in the Bible that was marrying and making merriment and were caught unawares by disaster.

There is absolutely no need for any loud celebration in our country now, more especially by Ndigbo. Let’s keep a very low profile while working on survival strategies for Ndigbo. It should be an all hands on deck affair spearheaded by all Ndigbo leadership organs.

This type of action is required because one can be pretty sure that those we are mocking are working very hard on their survival strategies( albeit quietly). Ndigbo should not be caught unawares. Agha akara aka anaghi eri nwa ngwuro.