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Deposition: Transcript shows Tinubu’s certificate to INEC was forged; CSU can’t confirm “Bola A. Tinubu” same as “Bola Ahmed Tinubu”


A written copy of the deposition held on Tuesday, October 3, shows that the certificate submitted to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) by President Bola Ahmed Tinubu was actually forged.

According to the Transcript, Chicago State University (CSU) could not confirm that the “Bola A. Tinubu” in its record is the same as the “Bola Ahmed Tinubu” who is now the president of Nigeria.

Apart from confirming that the certificate submitted to INEC is a forgery, they also confirmed that they have no way of knowing that “Bola A. Tinubu” and “Bola Ahmed Tinubu” are in fact the same person.

CSU only assumed that Bola A. Tinubu and Bola Ahmed Tinubu are the same person, and the president of Nigeria but they are not sure whether Tinubu is truly the same person they have on student records.

They admitted that they might have committed wrongful assumption based on their responses to inquiries via emails about whether Tinubu attended and graduated from CSU because they have no means verifying it, apart from what they have in records and they not sure if these records are indeed records of Tinubu.

It seems CSU cannot make that affirmation because the social security number tells a different story.

CSU, therefore, is saying in essence that some person named Lois prepared a student file for Tinubu filled with unverified documents, and without actually authenticating anything.

The institution then went ahead to respond that Tinubu was a student to an avalanche of unusual inquiries from the public without looking into the avalanche of inquisitions from interested parties.

Observers say that this is criminal negligence, if not, complicity and called for jail term for anyone found culpable.

See a copy of the Transcript below (highlighted parts by News Band for emphasis):

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