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Open Letter To Mazi Nnamdi Kanu

For Emeka’s Biafra during the war, it was some sort of “Canaan” for the enslaved Jews in Egypt. For you, it is Francesco Pizzaro’s “El Dorado”. For Emeka, Biafra was the “Bronze Serpent” while for you, it is the ancient mystic word…


With a population of over 2 million, of which more than 80 percent are lovers of the art and films, there Is but one theatre firm and no single cinema’s in the city. This has been a call for lovers of art and quality films in Nnewi who…


The economy of the city should not be monopolized to the business of buying and selling alone. There are a lot of attractive sites in Nnewi that could be developed on for the lovers of art and nature that have been neglected for a long…

Bitter Side Of Love

So that day was one of those Vietnam war days in our life. She insisted I followed her to church which she knew I was not particular with churches. Tolu knew I hate everything that has to do with non African indigenous religion. I expected…