Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.

Okorocha and His Habits: Yes it is true (pt. 3)

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okorochaOne of the greatest challenges and tragedies of life is when a person is under the influence of ignorance or lack of understanding. That some people are groping

in the dark concerning certain natural and spiritual realities is a fact of life. But when your eyes of understanding and your minds have been opened through the realities of the word of God, you will then have the capacity to confront the devil and his agents. 

Conversely, as a true child of God, nobody should expect me to shy away or panic over satanic intimidations, harassments, conspiracy, threat etc. When you face these natural and spiritual realities of the evil one through his human agents like Rochas Okorocha and his cohorts; you have to step into the boxing ring to give them the beatings of their lives by wearing the whole armour of God. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of darkness and finally against spiritual wickedness in high places (see Ephesians chapter 6 verses 12).


In the first part of this series, I gave full details of how the thief (Governor Rochas Okorocha) criminally and fraudulently obtained an authorized loan of over N25 Billion from ZENITH BANK PLC and diverted it into private use. (Please see attached). This was followed by a will crafted petition to the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), written by an Owerri based legal practitioner, Barrister Kissinger Ikeokwu (see attached). 

In the part two of this series (see attached), I gave further insight of fraudulent activities going on at the Local Government Councils, especially the identity card scam project and fraudulent verification exercises involving the Auditor General of local governments and his cohorts with the consent of Governor Rochas Okorocha.

Before I delve into this Part three let me inform the whole world that Governor Rochas Okorocha and all those involved in the various scams perpetuated at the local governments are now afraid, jittery and totally confused, for there is no escape route for them. However, Okorocha, in a bid to find a lacuna of escape has “suddenly” directed that “work” should commence at the abandoned 27 General Hospital Projects just to give the impression that the illegal and unauthorized N25 Billion loan obtained from ZENITH BANK PLC was plunged into the hospital projects. 

Apart from that Okorocha reportedly summoned the immediate past T.C Chairmen and DAGS (Directors of Administration and General Services) very early in the morning of yesterday 26th August, 2015 to an emergency closed door meeting of Government House. At the early morning meeting, Okorocha begged them to brain storm on how to “retire” the over N25 Billion diverted loan (that is, N926 Million per L.G.A).

Yet the same Okorocha forgot that the Imo State Government had already officially denied ever obtaining any loan of N25 Billion from ZENITH BANK PLC in December 2014. The Senior Special Assistant on Media to Okorocha (Mr. Sam Onwuemeodo) informed the people of Imo State on the 17th of August 2015, that the State Government obtained no N25 Billion loan from ZENITH BANK. The Auditor General of the state said the same thing. The Accountant General of the State said the same thing. All these denials were published by the NIGERIAN HORN NEWSPAPER edition of 17th (Monday) August 2015, page 1 and 2. It was also announced on the State Government owned Radio and Television Stations on the same 17th August 2015. 

Conversely, Okorocha cannot fool himself by trying to give the impression that the N25 Billion loan was used on the uncompleted 27 General Hospital Projects. After all, two years ago, the same Okorocha and his then commissioner for finance told the whole world including anti-graft agencies that N13.3 bond money left behind by the previous government was used in the construction of the same abandoned 27 General Hospital Projects.      

Again, let Rochas Okorocha not tell us or the EFCC, ICPC, the Presidency etc. that he used the N25 Billion to build schools, roads etc. The reason is that he had earlier told the whole world that he leased the State owned Adapalm Nigeria Plc and used the proceeds to build and renovate primary schools across the state, which has remained uncompleted. On the issue of road construction and other projects in the state that were poorly executed and never completed, let me inform the whole world that the Imo State House of Assembly (in July and August 2011) passed a unanimous motion asking Governor Rochas Okorocha to take a loan of N30 Billion for the construction and rehabilitation of roads in the state. 

Okorocha did exactly that and got the said N30 Billion loan. It is worthy to note that Governor Okorocha had earlier sent a letter to the Assembly seeking or requesting for an approval to take the N30 Billion loan. So the unanimous motion passed at the state House of Assembly was the approval given to Okorocha. This took place in July and August 2011. Therefore, Okorocha cannot tell us that the unapproved N25 Billion loan from ZENITH BANK was used to build roads and other projects.

It should be noted that the N25 Billion loan never passed through the local government accounts. It was never approved by the Imo State House of Assembly. Rochas Okorocha simply diverted the money to personal use.

Let me now go into part three proper


The extant law provided that Federal allocations to local government are to be paid into a state and local JOINT account, with the state contributing a further 10% internally generated revenue to the account for sharing among the 27 Local Government Areas of the State. But most unfortunately, this has never happened in the present Government in Imo State led by Rochas Okorocha.

At Joint Accounts Allocation Committee (JAAC) meetings, the amounts or actual allocation that came to each and every local government in the state has never been mentioned. Neither has the State government allowed anybody to have access to the figures as released by Federation Accounts Allocation Committee (FAAC). To God be the Glory, Federal Ministry of Finance publishes the disbursements in their website and in National Newspapers. 

Let me put it on record that no local government in Imo State since May 2011 (50 months) has gotten allocation beyond the staff salaries, which is in the region of N30 Million monthly. Yet actual allocations to local governments from federation accounts allocation committee are usually in the region of N100 Million excluding the 10% of internally generally revenues in the state.

Let me also put it on record that since December 2014 after Governor Rochas Okorocha criminally and fraudulently collected the over N25 Billion loan from ZENITH BANK PLC, no local government council in Imo State has been given imprest (or running cost) to run such an important unit of Government. This can verified from the DAGS.

Having gone this far let me now inform the whole world that the governor’s wife (Nkechi) is a consummate criminal. She allegedly uses her husband to illegally deduct 1% of salaries of local government staff. This fund is then channeled to Imo foundation, WHICH FUNCTIONS AS a DECOY FOR Mrs. Nkechi Okorocha.

To further deceive the Imo Public, Mrs. Nkechi Okorocha launched a so called “She Needs a Roof Project (SNARP) where citizens of Imo State and outsiders contributed billions of naira for building projects for selected widows in the State. Apart from local government staff whose salaries are illegally deducted by 1%, civil servants and political appointees also have their salaries illegally deducted by 1%, yet the salaries are not forth coming, as at when due. Also the so called free education policy in Imo State is being funded by a certain percentage of civil servants and local government staff’s salaries. A percentage of political appointee’s salaries are equally deducted for the fraudulent so called free education program in Imo State.


The criminal and fraudulent activities of Governor Rochas Okorocha and his wife, Nkechi reminds one of Ex-president Nicholeau Ceaseaceau of Romania and his wife, Nancy. The former President and his wife were so fraudulent and criminally minded that the people of Romania took to the streets and openly demanded for their heads. The Police, Military and Para-military forces joined in the crusade and in the third quarter of 1989, Nicholas Ceaseaceau and his wife were arrested and publicly executed. This is possible in Imo State.

Apteral, the people of Imo State took to the streets in September 1996 and chased ritual killers, 419ners, Fraudsters, and other criminals out of the state; while at the same time destroying their properties. Rochas Okorocha has become a security risk in this state.      

In the Part Four of this piece, I will give further insight in local government fraud involving Governor Rochas Okorocha especially that of the loan of N16 Billion which he collected in 2012 on behalf of local government areas in Imo State. Okorocha took several loans on behalf of local governments in Imo State and all these will be made public.

The author

Indeed, the chicken has finally come home to roost. I do not have a gun but I have the gun, Rochas Okorocha gave me the bullet to shoot him.

Citizen Ikenna Samuelson Iwuoha

Former Senior Special Assistant on Media

Immediate Past Senior Special Assistant on Special Duties

Imo State House of Assembly