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Naira exchange rate for Wednesday, November 01, in Abuja and Lagos


The exchange rate for Naira in the parallel market for Wednesday, November 01, 2023, as confirmed by Bureau de Change operators, is as follows:


Date  Currency  Buying (₦)  Central (₦)  Selling (₦) 
01/11/2023 US Dollar  1,160.00 1,170.00
Euro 1,220.00 1,230.00
Pounds Sterling  1,435.00 1,450.00
Date  Currency   Buying (₦)  Central (₦)  Selling (₦) 


Date  Currency  Buying (₦)  Central (₦)  Selling (₦) 
01/11/2023 US Dollar  1,160.00 1,175.00
Euro 1,220.00 1,235.00
Pounds Sterling  1,430.00 1,450.00
Date  Currency   Buying (₦)  Central (₦)  Selling (₦) 

Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN):

Date  Currency  Buying(NGN)  Central(NGN)  Selling(NGN) 
31/10/2023 US Dollar  908.928  909.428  909.928 
Pounds Sterling  1103.3477  1103.9546  1104.5616 
Euro  964.1908  964.7212  965.2516 
Swiss Franc  1007.3457  1007.8998  1008.454 
Yen  6.0851  6.0884  6.0918 
CFA  1.2643  1.2743  1.2843 
WAUA  1046.0801  1046.6556  1047.231 
Riyal  242.2645  242.3978  242.5311 
Danish Krona  129.1421  129.2132  129.2842 
SDR  1192.2409  1192.8967  1193.5526 
Date  Currency  Buying(NGN)  Central(NGN)  Selling(NGN) 

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