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Lower Niger Congress scheduled 2017 Referendum, a welcome development

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lower niger congressThe membership of the Lower Niger Congress (LNC) is to be congratulated for this major step forward. Now to reemphasize a few housekeeping points that I am quite

sure have already been examined by the members of LNC that will bring about the actualization of this most noble dream with little or no bloodletting.

There are some who might suggest that this discuss should be taken in house, my reply would be, show me an organization that has not been infiltrated and I will show you a dead organization. If conditions are put in place that make it practically impossible to subvert, the born-to-rule and its enabler, the British government, will have no choice but cry uncle. It has been done in the recent past as Goodluck was elected president despite the shenanigans of the born-to-rule and their British partners.

On a side note, I want to see their faces robbed in the dust for the deliberate massacre of millions of the innocent and the condemnation of millions more to life of the living dead.

“And the Lord said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.” – Exodus 7: 1

Why each ethnic nationality must speak for itself

“In 1960, we accepted an incongruous package of Federalism – a Federalism in which one federating unit was designed to surpass the other units put together in every aspect except in the production of wealth. Federalism became for some the philosophy which would guarantee them first a share, then the lever for control and finally the right to acquire the resource which they lacked. For others Federalism became the debilitating philosophy which ensured the continued haemorrhage of their precious resources. For some the Federal Republic became an unbounded opportunity whilst to others it was a crippling disaster. We hold these truths to be self-evident [about….these] two federating units.”

NIGERIA: The Truths Which Are Self-Evident – Ojukwu

The first 100 days of Buhari should by now have erased all doubts about the intent of the born-to-rule – complete domination. Need we be reminded that the born-to-rule belongs to the smallest ethnic nationality, are not indigenous to the area, bring ZERO or ZILCH to the table and yet have the gull to seek to dictate who eats or who starves.

If the modus operandi of the born-to-rule in the ’British Birthed Abomination’ and failed state Nigeria has not changed since 1960 or for the past 56 years, if the flawed negotiated results of the National Conference under Goodluck that sought to bring some semblance of fairness have been consigned to the garbage dump by the born-to-rule, only those who do not wish the ethnic nationalities that make up Nigeria well would continue to embrace the fantasy, ‘one Nigeria’ – but then, it will be up to each ethnic nationality to choose its path forward; remain as slaves or embrace freedom.

Freedom, what type of freedom

Freedom, no matter how large or small the ethnic nationality you belong to, to grow at your own pace; freedom to control 100% of your political space; freedom to control 100% of your resources; freedom to control 100% of your boundaries; freedom to govern yourself; freedom to speak for yourself; etc.

Let us consider what Biafra, even with all its faults, sought to do with these freedoms.

“Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, the Nigerian Odyssey of Ndigbo, their journey from slavery, through colonialism to Independence – their journey through crisis to crisis, into war, their journey out of war into crisis again has been a route-march through the fields of Golgotha. Today Ndigbo are plying their trade everywhere in Nigeria. We are bent but are most certainly not broken. We are bent because we are, to a large extent, devitalised and our presence in every aspect of Nigerian life understated. We are not broken because we have hope, we have intellect and we have energy. I believe that one of the biggest problems which Nigeria has to face derives from Nigeria’s inability to absorb Ndigbo. This problem is not new, the Whiteman never could either. 

The war has come and gone but we remember with pride and hope the three heady years when we had the opportunity to demonstrate what Nigeria could have been even before 1970. In the three years of war, necessity gave birth to invention. During those three years, knowledge, in one heroic bound, we leapt across the great chasm that separates knowledge from know-how. We built bombs, we built rockets, we designed and built our own delivery systems. We guided our rockets, we guided them far, we guided them accurately. For three years blockaded without hope of imports, we maintained engines, machines and technical equipment. We maintained all our vehicles. The state extracted and refined petrol; individuals refined petrol in their back gardens. We built and maintained our airports, maintained them under heavy bombardment. 

Despite the heavy bombardment, we recovered so quickly after each raid that we were able to maintain the record for the busiest Airport on the continent of Africa. We spoke to the world… [And the world spoke back to us]. We built armoured cars and tanks. We modified aircraft from trainer to fighters, from passenger aircraft to bombers. In three years of freedom we had broken the technological barriers. In three years we became the most civilised, the most technologically advanced black people on earth. We spun nylon yarn; we developed seeds for food and medicines. At the end of the war this pocket of Nigerian civilisation was systematically destroyed, dismantled, scattered. What a great pity – this was a beginning of a truly Black Risorgimento. The men who achieved this breakthrough – where are they?”

NIGERIA: The Truths Which Are Self-Evident – Ojukwu

We know the past, slavery under the born-to-rule in the ‘British Birthed Abomination’ and failed state Nigeria; we have seen a glimmer of the future, Biafra; the choice now is up to each ethnic nationality!

It is important that we be reminded that there are trillions of dollars involved. Any individual who thinks the regressive coalition of the born-to-rule and their British enablers will take this with hands folded better do a rethink.

What we face – The VISION of Othman Dan Fodio

Below is a quote from the write-up, “Before ISIS or ISIL was Nigeria ‘British Birthed Born-to-rule’ Terrorists” by this writer that brings into focus the seriousness and implications of the ‘Vision’ to the ethnic nationalities that make up West Africa and beyond, especially Nigeria.

“The world is finally catching up to the 1914 machinations of the colonial masters of Nigeria as the British government went about to engineer and help create the incubator of what has now evolved to ISIL or ISIS.  Yes, Nigeria was one of the many testing grounds, an abominable attempt to continue its pillage and looting of Nigeria; a successful attempt that rubbished what could have been an African miracle – the imposition of a retrogressive group of born-to-rule terrorists who perverted Islam while using it as a means of subjugation against the ethnic nationalities that make up Nigeria.

Obviously, the born-to-rule dogged embrace of the current totally undemocratic polity biased in their favor, a deliberately imposed form, many thanks to the British government; and their refusal to allow or support the restructuring of Nigeria to equitably reflect the recognition of all nationalities (many in the North) as part of the polity will continue as the undoing of both their plot and that of their partner in crime, the British government. That they still labor under the false impression and misconception that they can seize power by intimidation, anarchy and mayhem or through the barrel of a gun is not surprising. Neither surprising is their belief in the outdated strategy of their Spiritual leader, the Sardauna of Sokoto, Alhaji Sir Ahmadu Bello (1909-1966), the belief that Nigeria is their conquered territory to do with as they see fit; leading, of course, to the continuing total, unchallenged and unquestioned domination, pillaging and looting of Nigeria.

“The new nation called Nigeria should be an estate of our great grandfather Othman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities in the North as willing tools and the South as a conquered territory and never allow them to rule over us and never allow them to have control over their future”. – Parrot Newspaper, 12th October, 1960, recalled by Tribune, 13th November, 2002.

The above irrational belief is traceable to the vision, below, of their priest Fodio, of which the British government were well aware of even as they were determined to use it as a weapon against the ungrateful Nigeria ethnic nationalities especially the uppity Igbo.

“In this apparition Fodie was informed that the whole of that beautiful country around them, with all its populous towns and countless villages, belonged to the believers in the prophet, to wit the Phula; and that it was Fodie’s divine commission, with the help of the faithful, to wrest all those flowery plains, fruitful hill, and those lovely valleys, from the hand of the Kafirs, and then to bring all the Kafirs into subjection to the Islam, and to devote to the sword everyone who refused to believe.”

West African Countries and Peoples, James Africanus Horton (1868)”

Before ISIS or ISIL, was Nigeria ‘British Birthed Born-to-rule’ Terrorists

By Maazi Nnaemeka Mene Onumonu-Uzoaru

The above write-up explains why it is going to be a tough road to hoe, but hoe it each ethnic nationality must or remain slaves into the foreseeable future – Chi Ukwu Abia Ama (The Omnipotent Being with ALL answers)forbid!

The write-up above explains why Nigeria is condemned to remain a failed state despite the efforts of Zik and Awolowo … and even the more recent apparently failed coalition of the regressive part of the Yoruba leadership led by Tinubu with the born-to-rule.

You wrote:

“It has thus become a necessity for the LNC to also elevate its international profile in a fashion that matches the anticipated impact of its agenda on Nigeria’s political scene in the coming years and decades. This evolving phenomenon informs the thought behind the case for bringing the mission and core agenda of the LNC into the consciousness of mainstream America. LNC-USA is proposed to be a face of the Lower Niger Congress in the home turf of the world’s lone military superpower as well as the economic, political and cultural leader of the Western industrialized World. 

The United Nations, whose 2007 Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples has been the anchor for the LNC’s self-determination project, is based in New York City, USA. Having a functional arm close-up to the UN shall go a long way to enhance the evolving alliance which the LNC desires to build with this very important world body going forward. Many top-notch media outlets with global reach and influence, such as CNN, Voice of America and Public Radio International (PRI), are all US-based. Major news media outlets of many other countries also have robust presence in America’s leading political, economic and military power bases like Washington DC, New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago, Atlanta etc.” – Maazi Nwosu (MD)

As you are very much aware, there are two distinct groups involved:

a.       The ethnic nationalities that makeup Nigeria who are scattered all over the world; and

b.      Governments and their peoples, the world over.

The Ethnic Nationalities in Diaspora

I am quite sure you will agree that members of the ethnic nationalities are spread all over the world. Your well-reasoned discuss about the importance of the US is cogent but should all Diasporans who wish to be part of this most important movement not be afforded the opportunity to contribute? Should all hands in Diaspora whether in USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Europe, Asia, even Africa not be on board which will present a united front to the world while making it possible for world governments to accept this new reality?

Why not have arms in each continent, North America, South America, Africa?

If this is a serious endeavor as stated, all hands must be on board. More importantly, support by an all-inclusive diaspora based movement with worldwide support from governments and their peoples will help convince the regressive coalition of the born-to-rule the futility of staging an armed conflict or getting in the way of the referendum.

World Governments and Peoples

The same effort that is being applied to the US should also be applied to other governments whether big or small. Every support should be welcomed. Momentum is built as more peoples and their governments support this referendum.

Let the discourse continue.

Maazi Nnaemeka Mene Onumonu-Uzoaru

Oha Ka (The People are Supreme)

Member: IgboZaraIgbo

Priest of the Most High (Hebrews 7: 1 – 6)

Attachment(s) from Okenwa R. Nwosu, M.D. included below:



The Lower Niger Congress (LNC) has started to undergo a needed metamorphosis as it begins to push ahead with its agenda, in real time, within Nigeria. The emboldened decision to schedule the Lower Niger Referendum in 1st quarter of 2017 has instantly brought the LNC and its core agenda for self-determination to the center stage of Nigeria’s political discourse. It has thus become a necessity for the LNC to also elevate its international profile in a fashion that matches the anticipated impact of its agenda on Nigeria’s political scene in the coming years and decades. 

This evolving phenomenon informs the thought behind the case for bringing the mission and core agenda of the LNC into the consciousness of mainstream America. LNC-USA is proposed to be a face of the Lower Niger Congress in the home turf of the world’s lone military superpower as well as the economic, political and cultural leader of the Western industrialized World. The United Nations, who’s 2007 Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples has been the anchor for the LNC’s self-determination project, is based in New York City, USA. Having a functional arm close-up to the UN shall go a long way to enhance the evolving alliance which the LNC desires to build with this very important world body going forward. 

Many top-notch media outlets with global reach and influence, such as CNN, Voice of America and Public Radio International (PRI), are all US-based. Major news media outlets of many other countries also have robust presence in America’s leading political, economic and military power bases like Washington DC, New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago, Atlanta etc.

LNC-USA, as is being contemplated, shall start initially as the tentacle with which the parent body shall extend its reach in order to better mobilize and harness the enormous manpower and material resources that abound within the US Diaspora population of indigenes of the Lower Niger. America is possibly the biggest reservoir of highly skilled, educated and economically buoyant elite corps of Lower Niger indigenes in the world today. 

The LNC has already sunk its taproot within its primary area of interest in Nigeria. The next most important strategic move now for the LNC is to extend its root system into well-known resource pools from where the parent body can draw the essential nutrients required to accelerate its growth and of course, to guarantee its continued viability and global relevance as it begins to frontally challenge the custodians of power in Nigeria in the coming months and years.

Perhaps, the most important reason for LNC-USA is to provide for a reliable alternate outlet for assuring that the voice of strong advocacy for self-determination for indigenous peoples of the Lower Niger can never be silenced by the Caliphate order which has retaken control at helm of affairs in Abuja. Also important for the LNC is the utility of having a legal platform, recognized by US laws, for mobilizing funds and other resources from mainstream America for the pursuit of its core agenda in Nigeria.

The LNC leadership, through its National Secretariat, has therefore authorized that LNC-USA be created immediately consistent with the US laws guiding the creation and operation of such entities. There are a rapidly enlarging number of people who wish to get actively involved in the pursuit and speedy actualization of the LNC self-determination agenda for the indigenous peoples of the Lower Niger, especially within the US Diaspora. The sooner we can set up the legal operational platform for harnessing the potential inputs from these folks, the better it shall be for all concerned in this struggle.

The Executive Summary of proposed LNC-USA shall be articulated, in the near future, to further elucidate its modus operandi and expected deliverables.

Okenwa R. Nwosu, M.D.