Press Release by Greater Umueri Liberation Forum – It’s with disbelief that we the members of Greater Umueri liberation Forum(GULF) wishes to bring to the notice
of the general public an annexation policies of His Excellency, Willie Obiano.
[Photo: Governor Obiano during a welcome home ceremony organised at his hometown]
It’s an undeniably fact that both Umueri and Aguleri has been intertwined historically, culturally and in virtually everything. Its therefore appalling that the Governor rather than embrace Umueri people as neighbors with his town Aguleri , has continue to execute policies untoward against our people.
1. The Agulerization of Umueri/Otuocha: All sign posts mounted at Otuocha bear “Aguleri” including the ones in front and beside the LG Secretariat, Otuocha. This was not so before his assumption of Office
2. ASUBEB Otuocha has been changed to read ASUBEB Aguleri. Recent letters of promotion of Teachers in Anambra East Local Education Authority is valid evidence.
3. National ID card issued to Umueri people bear Aguleri addresses even when the owners furnished them with their Umueri addresses.
4. High Court Otuocha, which has been in existence from 60’s now been referred to as High court Aguleri.
5. During the recent Computer Training given to Teachers ,Umueri Technical School was earlier chosen to be one of the centres but was surprisingly dropped in favor of Justice Chinwuba Secondary School Aguleri, even as Father Joseph Secondary School, Aguleri, was also a center, Umuoba-Anam was a center. Umueri was deliberately left out.
6. The Address of Madonna Secondary School Umueri has just been changed to Aguleri. The Current Internal Results of the School bears evidence to this devilish plot.
7. Governor Obiano gave instruction for all these using his executive power and through his proxies.
8. No Umueri person has received any political appointment because there is a decision to perpetually handicap our people; a grand design not to empower Umueri people politically.
9. There is no road construction or re-construction in any part of Umueri while all the roads in Aguleri are being worked upon including the one leading to Aguleri-Otu being done at a cost running into Billions of Naira.
10. Contrary to propaganda that work is ongoing in Umueri General Hospital, it’s false as the area is now a thick forest and has been abandoned.
Obi Kachi Nzedigwe
Director of Administration Greater Umueri Liberation Forum (GULF)
For and on behalf of GULF Board of Directors