Take a fresh look at your lifestyle.

Don’t trouble me

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Olugu Olugu Orji[Image: The author]

I am an apostle

About my divine hustle

I go where I’m led

Whether hungry or fed

I do as I’m urged 

Though my mission may seem fudged


So don’t question the anointed 

Query the one that mandated


Prophet is who I am

Now you know why I’m cool and calm

I may not sport long, greying beard

But I bear tidings that must be heard

“Human megaphone” is my favourite moniker

This gruffly voice, my esteemed scar


So don’t question the anointed 

Query the one that mandated


I’m a proven evangelist

Inviting many to the heavenly feast

I burnt my bridge to leisure

To make this list I treasure

I’ll be here even when I’m old

I’ll stay at my watch whether it’s hot or cold


So don’t question the anointed 

Query the one that mandated


You should’ve figured I’m a teacher

Behold the inkpot and parchment-filled pitcher

I write as accurately as I’m taught

For I must instruct as diligently as I ought

I labour and give my wards no rest 

Till they attain the place of the best


So don’t question the anointed 

Query the one that mandated


That I’m a pastor, you well know

I spread my love to both friend and foe

I nurture the weak, I care for the ill

Even with an empty barn I try to be still

To see them strong is my utmost joy  

Filling me with hope that’ll never cloy


So don’t question the anointed 

Query the one that mandated


Apostle, prophet, evangelist, teacher, pastor:

Bonded servants, recruited for labour

They can’t just do what they wish

Whether to stash, thresh or fish

They speak and act as they’re told

And set no store in silver and gold


So don’t question the anointed 

Query the one that mandated


But if I’m required to provide reason

Why my burden’s never easing

If I have to furnish justification

Why obedience is my highest supplication

This then shall be my answer

Both now and ever after


I was purchased at a hefty price

I am owned: not once but thrice

Olugu Olugu Orji